It's another boring afternoon and I'm watching my lil sister chewing her chicken rice and hey! I've just realized that our mouth and the washing machine actually work on the same principle...
You see, when you’re eating especially using hand, you remind me of my mum putting all the clothes in the washing machine and when she shuts the door; you close your mouth. The process continues with the adding of soap water (secretion of saliva) and then spinning of clothes (manipulating of food by tongue when chewed).
During the process, dirt, stains and germs are removed from the clothes as starch is hydrolyzed by the saliva in our first stage of digestion. After that, the clothes are squeezed just like the food in our mouth that is made into bolus. Unlike the clothes which will be taken out to dry, the food is then pushed down the oesophagus, that’s why we call it ‘the disappearing clothes’…lol…
Well, it is possible to spit it out. The problem is, how are we gonna hang it for drying??
You see, when you’re eating especially using hand, you remind me of my mum putting all the clothes in the washing machine and when she shuts the door; you close your mouth. The process continues with the adding of soap water (secretion of saliva) and then spinning of clothes (manipulating of food by tongue when chewed).
During the process, dirt, stains and germs are removed from the clothes as starch is hydrolyzed by the saliva in our first stage of digestion. After that, the clothes are squeezed just like the food in our mouth that is made into bolus. Unlike the clothes which will be taken out to dry, the food is then pushed down the oesophagus, that’s why we call it ‘the disappearing clothes’…lol…
Well, it is possible to spit it out. The problem is, how are we gonna hang it for drying??