Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Cycle of Understanding

Understanding is the ability of the mind to grasp the meaning of an idea, etc. There are two types of understanding: literal understanding and in-depth understanding. It is a process that can be illustrated in the cycle below, which can be divided into three phases:

Phase 1: It begins as a literal/ surface/ simplistic understanding, where the meaning of an idea, etc is understood literally, eg. a statement or an instruction.It is similar to a child viewing a photograph of the ocean. He simply understands that it is the ocean that he is perceiving. He also understands that it is beautiful and serene when told by his mother.

In short, it is simple because the meaning of an idea, etc. is understood literally.

Phase 2: It proceeds into complication where the idea is challenged and scrutinized in order to achieve in-depth understanding. As the child grows up, he starts to question why the ocean is being perceived as beautiful and serene by his mother when smaller fishes are being preys to the bigger ones. He finds that nothing is beautiful and serene as living things are attacking and consuming each other up every single moment.

In short, it is complicated as the existing idea is causing confusion with the mind's expectations.

Phase 3: In-depth/ thorough understanding occurs once the conflict between the existing idea and the mind's expectations are resolved. It could be that the child finally understands the laws of nature through the study of ecosystem that clears his doubts on the hellish life in the ocean, or inspired with awe by the designated structures that enable the aquatic lives to survive in the water, thus he can mutually agree with his mother, or he could have another set of opinions about the ocean but is able to see through or understand her perspective. Other than that, it is also attained by gaining insight or from personal experiences.

In short, it returns to the simple state of understanding as all the conflicts are resolved.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Hidden Sexual Organ

Aaaahhh!!! Bingo!! This is it!!!
Ever wonder why flowers are present in romantic settings? (Notice it in perfume advertisements, love movies, etc)
Guys love to give flowers to girls (not due to social obligation) simply because "girls like beautiful, aromatic little things!"
Yet, this is just a "coating" or simply, an original intention that is distorted by the ego-defense mechanism since we live in a society of repressed feelings.
As I gazed deeper and deeper into the core of a chrysanthemum one fine day, the answer became clearer to me. Since much of the thoughts are symbolic in the unconscious mind, a flower as a gift means that the guy harbours unconscious sexual feelings towards the girl whom he called 'love' as we can see that a flower is a sexual organ of a plant!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Colourful raincoats in the sun,
Shiny green grass on the brown;
Maggie looking out through the glass,
Stretching her lips in the vase-

All, on a piece of paper.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ghostly Encounter??

I remembered when I was in Form 2, my friend and I went to the toilet at the first floor of the building. That time, it was almost 5 pm and we were very sure that no one was inside.

As I was then a naive and playful little girl, I mimicked the sound of a ghost as a joke without thinking about anything else. After I stopped, we both heard the ghostly whisper at our ears and we stared at each other, dumbfounded!

After we gained our senses, we ran straight out of the dimly lit toilet, screaming, and vowed to never return

Sunday, May 24, 2009

God versus Santa

Q : Why do we believe in God but not Santa??

A : Because God rewards and punishes while Santa only punishes regardless of our behaviour...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We're Stuck

Supposingly, we're the cross:
# No matter where we go, we're still in the circle.
# If we manage to step out of the circle, we're still in another bigger circle.
# Even if we get out of the circle, we're still in the paper.
# If we get out of that paper, we're still in this web page.
# If we get out of the web page, we're still in the room.
# If we get out of the room, we're still in the house.
# If we get out of the house, we're still roaming on the surface of Earth.
# If we get out of Earth, we're still in the universe.
# If we get out of the universe (let's say there's an end to the universe), we'll still be trapped in a bigger region, maybe a void.
# If we get out of the void, there's another bigger void for us.
# And so on...
* It seems that we're bounded by endless regions, and could never get out. Well, if you ask me to think outside the box, I may be thinking in another bigger box.
Or, should I say that we're stuck in this consciousness? Where do we want to go, anyway? Hmm...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Possibility Paradox

If everything is possible, then it is possible to be impossible...
Well, this popular cliche 'everything is possible' which lacks realism still holds true in this world after all, with just a twist!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Opposing to Nature?

When we see blue, we feel calm, cool and a bit depressing.
When we see red, we feel lively, hot and energetic.

But this does not apply to the flame of the fire. If we were still kids, we would probably say that fire with blue flame is the coolest and fire with red flame is the hottest. Common sense tells us that.

Yup, I held this belief till when I was ten, I realized that it was the exact opposite.

So, the moral of the story is, the world is full of surprises as not everything can be explained by common sense. Hmm, since everyone says I lack common sense, I don't have to worry anymore about saying or doing anything outrageous as common sense is not so important after all!! Haha...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Instant Realization

Come to think about it; if everyone thinks as i think from the beginning of time, we'll still be living in caves...

Isn't that scary?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Road-Crossing Disaster

Whenever I wanna cross a busy road, I would get very anxious. Either I would hold my friend's hand or dash across it, like a madwoman. And they'd always say the same thing to me, everyone, " Don't worry, the driver would never hit you." or " It's okay, you bought life insurance, right?"
And of course, I'd defend my behaviour by this very answer, " What if the break is not working?"
Till now, it never fails to leave them speechless for a moment. Lol...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Washing Machine

It's another boring afternoon and I'm watching my lil sister chewing her chicken rice and hey! I've just realized that our mouth and the washing machine actually work on the same principle...
You see, when you’re eating especially using hand, you remind me of my mum putting all the clothes in the washing machine and when she shuts the door; you close your mouth. The process continues with the adding of soap water (secretion of saliva) and then spinning of clothes (manipulating of food by tongue when chewed).
During the process, dirt, stains and germs are removed from the clothes as starch is hydrolyzed by the saliva in our first stage of digestion. After that, the clothes are squeezed just like the food in our mouth that is made into bolus. Unlike the clothes which will be taken out to dry, the food is then pushed down the oesophagus, that’s why we call it ‘the disappearing clothes’…lol…
Well, it is possible to spit it out. The problem is, how are we gonna hang it for drying??