Thursday, April 8, 2010

If All the World's a Stage

And all the men and women merely players,
Then we are not our real self,
Since we cannot get out of this world
It can only remain recessive somewhere deep down
That will never manifest itself.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

From Monotropy to Monogamous Love

Many parallels can be drawn between monotropy (a suggestion by John Bowlby that a child is genetically programmed to form an attachment to a single primary caregiver in order to achieve a healthy development.) and monogamous love.
In fact, an idea occurs to me that monogamous love could be the second stage of monotropy, knowing that one day our single caregiver will die- we need someone to sustain our emotional well-being for the rest of our lives. Maybe the four components of attachment can explain it.

Proximity Maintenance: As with babies displaying proximity-promoting behaviours such as smiling and crying, the adults do so by flirting with their chosen potential partners so to encourage them to get close to them. After an attachment is formed, they yearn to remain close to the one they attach to.
Safe Haven: While children tend to cling to their attachment figure for comfort and safety in the face of fear and threat, adults do so too. When they feel threatened, their partners are the only ones they could think of for comfort.
Secure Base: For children, attachment figure acts as a base of security from which they can explore and face the world confidently. Through them that the children are able to form attachments with other people. Same goes to adult. Maybe being too secure will lead them to stray into polygamy, where they find the pleasure of being loved and cared about. Feeling insecure too will lead to the same path, as adults tend to jump from one relationship to another to find their 'home'.
Separation Distress: Infants and small children feel anxious in the absence of their caregiver. As with adults, they feel sad and nostalgic.

P/s: Human babies do not imprint on their parents, yet it is suggestable that adults 'imprint' on their partners in the form of imitating their body language unintentionally (as in the long term, imprinting is used for mating ). Maybe babies do not imprint as they need to develop their individuality, as it is fully formed in adulthood, they do so so that they are able to cooperate and be more agreeable with their partners in solving issues when they live together.

Friday, February 5, 2010


When you experience something indescribably beautiful
touchingly beautiful
hauntingly beautiful
delightfully beautiful
Your heart sinks,
You mourn for the end of the world-
For such things only exist in Heaven.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The End-Product of the Patriarchal System

-In the end, we get to see men sitting with opened legs and ladies, crossed legs.

In the patriarchal system, men display their superiority over women by taking pride in their genitals. This can be easily seen by observing their open-legged sitting position, so that their genitals can be generously presented to the whole world, as if they are saying, "I have what you don't have, therefore I'm the boss here!" Also, this could explain their competitive and aggressive nature in general as by sitting like this, they feel more comfortable and confident as they are stable with their feet firm on the ground. The wider their legs apart, the more territory they conquer, thus men are perceived as dominant, as compared to women.

Women, on the other hand, have been trained from young to sit cross-legged so to be more 'ladylike'. In this system, women are considered the inferior, or the outgroup of the XY-chromosomed creatures. In order to fit in and gain men's approval, they are encouraged to cover up what they 'do not have', as if they are reminded over and over again "Shame that you do not have that, now hide it!" By covering up, they automatically level up to be more 'manly' and respectable.In this position, they are less stable and thus they need to bring out their grace to compensate it and at the same time, attract men.

Really, it is an art to sit like a lady.